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tv   ABC 7 News at 4PM  ABC  February 10, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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his chair forward. my son fell into the table and hurt his chest. >> the father spoke to him on conditions and he his son remain anonymous, she teaches in a special education preschool class here at roosevelt elementary school. other employees said to be teachers aides have been claised -- placed on leave. >> eight employees were placed on administrative leave so we can conduct an independent internal investigation. >> and? >> to ensure that all proper procedures were followed. >> the child abuse reportedly happened in december and january. >> things like slapping. kicking. shoving. wrist twist police say there are two victims, this one and another 4-year-old boy. the father gave us these e mails showing a complaint years ago. once for depriving his son of food and water. >> his face was red. he was like about, looked like
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he was about to pass out. we just kept on giving him water and milk to try to hydrate him. >> parents were concerned. >> unfortunately, our district didn't properly scene. -- screen. they placed someone in their program that should not have been around children. >> say anything you see unusual always, i tell her, tell me, tell your teachers. >> and she's facing nine counts of child cruelty and battery. if convicted on all charges she can face three years in county jail and if eight employees are placed on administrative leave fail to follow reporting mandates they, too, could be charged with a crime, punishable by six months in jail. >> we have breaking news we're following in vallejo now.
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police have surrounded a home on castlewood drive where they say several robbery suspects are holed up. they're not telling us whether they got word they're here. no one has been injured and police say it's a standoff. >> fire department safety investigators are releasing findings on an incident that killed two firefighters last june. the firefighters -- fire fighter when the house exploded. accord together report, several factors contributed to the deaths of those two men, including extreme heat, as high as 700 degrees, that heat was ak seller yaited by a window that broke that caused hot gases to race up the stairwell. both men suffered burns on more than 40% of their bodies. we're talking with fire officials now about significance of the internal
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investigations and she'll join us on abc 7 news at 5:00. >> a woman is recovering after driving her car into ocean beach in san francisco. she drove the car into the ocean. the car bobbed around for hours. and at times, you can see it was just turning around. a tow company arrived and got to work. >> just came through there so we can go backwards. >> throughout the inlter and outside? >> right. until we get it out of the water some more. >> and is there a key in the ignition? >> yes. >> did that help you? >> once we get it into the sand we'll be able to steer it. >> the man did not want to be identified. no word on the condition of the driver.
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>> you notice gray weather today. our live camera is shing us clouds starting to break up. and this is a view of the bay bridge. it's looking like february than play. spencer christian joins us. >> things have changed. we had nice, sunny breaks and there is good cloud cover, heavier showers, and here is a look at live doppler 7 hd. mostly dry but pockets of light showers and that is happening in the north bay now scatter add cross nornl bay counties but widely scattered and light shower activity. there is many locations have received no measurable rainfall. just a trace in oakland and nudging in redwood city and livermore and most other locations have received just a few 1/100ths and there is one
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location drenched, 11/100ths. we haven't had much rainfall it and does appear to be tapering off. before i get to that, let me just show you animation at 7:00 this evening, getting into tomorrow it's going to clear out. and i'll give you a closer look in just a moment. >> the president announced today that he is revising his administration's policy on requiring catholic hospitals to provide contraceptive service autos this seems a major comp highs with the church. mark matthews has details. >> the plan requires services be provided free to women who want them. social conservatives have been accusing the president of waging war on religion. after days of criticism, the president announced he's
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revising the position on contraception. >> under the rule, women will have access to free preventative care including contraceptive services no matter where they work. >> if an employer is a charity or hospital with a religious objection to providing contraception, then, the employers insurance company will step in. >> the insurance company, not the hospital, not the charity, will be required to reach out and offer the woman contraceptive care free of charge without co-pays and hassle. >> in california employers are required to provide contraceptive coverage. but the u.s. conference of catholic bishops objected to what they saw as the obama administration's incursion into religious freedom. >> today the bishop's council called it a first step in the right direction. but republican presidential
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candidate rick santorum is seizing on the issue its not about contraception. it's about government control of your lives and it's got to stop. >> the compromise sk criticized because under the policy insurers will have to pick up the tab but are charging the employer. >> there is a basic part is an accounting gimmick. groups are still forced to buy insurance and companies they pay are forced to give contraceptions to their employees. >> planned parenthood calls it common sense, pointing out 98% of the catholic women in the united states use, or have used some form of birth control. >> and what are insurers saying about this deal? the burden is on them now. >> abc news is reporting major insurers are saying you need to athis situation. you can figure they're trying
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to draw the line. >> and occupy cal protestors are back and for now, they're staying. there is a picture of the encampment where plos clashed with protestors in the fall. >> it's nice to see tents out here but etc. not a new effort. it's a continuation. >> students say they're protesting rising tuition, officials for now say they have no immediate plans to evict those protestors. >> a livermore police officer was rushed to the hospital this morning after being hit in the head by people throwing rocks at him. the officer driving along p street when he spotted a chunk of concrete and when he golt out to remove it, three to four people bombarded him with
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rocks hitting him in the head. >> he received several rocks being thrown at him. and he kind of glanced up, was struck with a large granite rock, then, he caught cover. >> police are not sure the culprits were targeting police officers or this officer in particular. if caught they can face charges of assault with a deadly weapon. >> one policeman gunned down last year has been immortalized in song. >> the 45-year-old was a veteran on the police force 19 years and was killed in november after chasing a suspected bank robber. the song is called "won't be forgoten" written by a fellow police officer who says all proceeds will go to his family.
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the suspect is in jail right now waiting for his preliminary hearing. >> much more is head at 4:00. next the side affect of a cancer drug giving home to alzheimer's researcher autos apple's core is consumer electronics but emily chang says they're branching out with the ipad and will join us live just head. >> michael finney taking your questions through his facebook and twitter pages. you can contact michael on twitter. >> if you're trying to make your way out of san francisco this afternoon, it's -- good luck is right. slow going in both directions. very slow as you try to make your way across the bay bridge. same is true if you're heading south. the news continues right after this.
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this afternoon, if you're over 50 zp have an artificial knee you have lots of company. it's estimated one in 20 americans have that replacement joint. doctors say findings significant because it shows a big segment of the population may need future knee-related care. two trends may be be contributing, the obesity epidemic and experts say part of an analysis and scientists say a drugged used to treat cancer reversed alzheimer's disease in mice. it is used to treat types of skin cancer when injected into mice they showed dramatic improvements in memory and half of the plaque associated with alzheimer's cleared from
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their brains, scientists caution these are only in mice. the drug is a long way frk tested on humans with alzheimer's. this study is in the journal "science". >> researchers at johns hopkins are warning c sections could be a problem for babies delivered prematurity. c sections are performed often to reduce the odds of complications for preem yeez. march the dimes started a new campaign to educate people what it calls unnecessary c sections especially those before 39 week autos on to business news now. apple has been about the coon assumer but the company is turning it's focus to the corporate world. hi, emily. >> hey there, larry. apple has been about the consumer but lately has been focusing on businesses, too. turning the world of corporations and government agencies and the military and
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this week hallly burton switched to the iphone. noa is dropping the barey for apple. and now, air force is in the market for up to 18,000 iphones and an analyst tells us apple only had a couple people, now they are cashing in on the enterprise. the stock hit an all-time high, now worth more than google and microsoft combined. twice as much as ibm, gm and walmart and apple gained just yesterday more than $15 billion, apple accounts for 16% of the nasdaq and the cash pile so big, apple could nearly buy all of facebook if
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it wanted to. needless to say, apple is doing well. there is a look at broader numbers, stocks closed higher amid concerns that another bailout won't happen. and groupon's new public face, hiring paul taft to run its communications operations. groupon dealt with a series of marketing gaffs. and from a controversial super bowl commercial to violating sec's so-called quiet period rule. and sony's incoming ceo says he will make a hard, painful decision to cut costs in the tv business and supply change. and the company faces four years of losses and he does say sony will continue to make televisions at the very least
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and finally there are reports google is creating an entertainment device from the home. information coming from a filing revealing google is testing some sort of device in a few cities. we don't know what it is or what it looks like but a lot of people are speculating what we do know is that google is positioned for a push into hardware looking to make and sell it's own android devices to compete with those successful iphones and ipads. larry, back to you. and have a great weekend. >> thank you. you too. >> we saw scattered light showers today. >> yes. >> actual precipitation. >> i'm just filled with good news today. and the rain came but not so heavily. and tomorrow evening for change looks like it's going to be dry conditions so that is good news as well. here is a look at -- a live look of conditions from our
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mount tam camera. you can see how wet it looked up in that el vacation. but most of the bay area now is dry. here is a look at live doppler 7 hd. you can see most of our shower activity tapered off for a while. and there is is 61 over antioch. and these are the highlights. light showers tonight and will be mainly dry this weekend. more showers develop sunday night and into early monday morning. there is a current system bringing us light scattered showers. and more pockets of showers follow. this system is diving south
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ward now. notice getting into tomorrow morning you can see a system moving south ward away from the bay area. there are dry conditions as this third system approaches us and that is going to bring us rainfall probably sunday night. there is a mild overnight period with rather narrow range of lows. >> tomorrow, nice breaks of sun. low 60s scattered around inland areas and near the bay. also, down near monterey bay, looking for partly sunny skies and highs around 60 degrees. there is the accu-weather
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forecast. so, mainly dry throughout the weekend and into sunday night. rain likely sunday night into monday. and there is a slight chance of showers tuesday and wednesday. and tuesday is valentine's day. and just a slight chance. and dry weather for the remainder of the week. we're unsettled wattern. >> yes. >> and not going to bring us heavy and drenching rain. >> we can get those. >> we're inching towards winter. >> yes. by april or may. >> and entertainment news, a man convicted of stalking madonna has been arrested a week after escaping from a mental hospital. >> police arrested madonna's
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stalker. the singer testified against the man saying he threatened to kill her. authorities say he made similar threats to actress halle barry. now, a man work next to jennifer lopez after their split. >> it was just, jennifer is jennifer. >> he says they have a great relationship both in and out of work. in hollywood stars of music and film struck a pose at the red carpet premier of "think like a man" and topic of discussion was just that. >> and i feel like i am that girl. and this is a good saturday. you've got to think like them if you want to understand them. >> and an academy february of
4:22 pm pick your winners then compare them to your facebook friends. >> and chris mentioned where you can down load the app for iphones and ichads and this will give you lividdo from red carpet and down stage. >> and coming up next at 4:00 putting finishing touches on this year's chinese new year's parade. >> and later at 4:30 there is billions of dollars in confidence from the san francisco pd. >> we're going to stick up from you home to the nation's only police don't put force behind a campaign for lgbt youths. ♪
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♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars,
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nature at its most delicious.
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preparations underway in san francisco for tomorrow's chinese new year parade. finishing touches being put on the golden draggon. they're finishing up floats over at the lefty odoule bridge. and this has been named one of the top 10 parades in the world. and if you're interested in going we have details on the roof there for you including street closures and public
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transit options. >> and maybe you wondered what is the future going to be like for those high tech hipster was full sleeve tattoos? >> or maybe not. >> and there is a video about it. here is their vision. >> i posted funny photos. best are this upset shows. >> i lost my job because of that. >> and that is what we're going to look like. it's meant to be a funny look and there has been a stat yoo supposed to mean peaceful warrior and links to a
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distress. >> 270 hits since tuesday. not sure if that is the cat in distress. >> and moving along. >> yes. >> coming up a sattel against hotels in oakland. how the city is using a tactic against oldest profession. >> and courting conservatives. trying to prove why they're the best choice for the next president. >> and what a picture, rays of sunlight reflecting off the bay. some may hear a hint of what is still to come for the weekend. @a
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this isn't just a budget motel. city leaders say this has been a hot bed of prostitution for years. >> the city attorney took a step towards shutting it down. >> we're live at the national lodge with more on this courtroom crack down for us. >> back in october the city attorney successfully argued for a court injunction against the national lodge. part of the injunction the city attorney had argued there should abe number of measures instituted for owners to meet so they can stop having prostitution be a regular part of business here and attorneys
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say that has not been met so the national laws should be shut down. the recent charge against owners was a recent case where vice cops allegedly tracked a teenager here about to have sex with an adult. the city of oakland is suing to shut the national lodge down for a year. following opening arguments the attorney for the motel owner says his clients have done all they can under the injunction and have installed a surveillance system, posted signs warning against prostitutes frequenting the room and say they've logged dozens of calls taking hours for officers to respond to if they show up at all. >> and at the city and police don't patrol and respond they're stuck. people who are legitimate
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won't come. >> there are a number of things they can do making sure it's not. >> the city attorney says they're taking court actions against similar motels. and the role of the motels is a small part of the puzzle. she says this strategy of trying to shut down the motels is a necessary step in solving that problem. >> and tech leaders are warning that green tech may not be the giant job creator it's expected to be. >> solar energy has been a set
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backs from competition from china have not been find to job creation but there is more to green tech than solar. venture capitolists invested $3 billion last year, an all-time high, and government is cutting back. >> there is california left there was a program went through california energy commission. legislature not willing to fund that. >> chuck lead says the city has a goal to create 25,000 clean tech jobs. highly auto mated manufacturing doesn't require workers. >> there is a few technicians
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and they're manufacturing is real small because of the technology and qimt. >> the job growth may come from companies focusing on efficiency not harnessing solar. this start up retro fits other commercial buildings. 77 don't have systems to monitor the use or boost officiancy. the ceo says he has 37 employees now, projecting00 in five years. >> and you need to keep it up and running, those jobs can't be outsourced. >> the mayor and others speaking in this conference say local cities will now have to take the lead to support start ups and to encourage job
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gronl. >> the mayor points out for every new green tech job created helps to support two, or three, other job autos thank you. >> and to race for president. a poll confirms rick santorum is gaining steam, mitt romney is still leading with 34% and santorum has 22%. he is pleading newt gingrich, who has 18%. and santorum picked up 10% points over the past week and tuesday, he won contests in minnesota, colorado and missouri. romney, santorum and gingrich spent the day courting party activists in washington, d.c.. >> i will fight for an amendment to our constitution that defines marriage as a relationship between a man and woman. >> my intention is to shrink spending down to the level of revenue not to recognize
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revenue up to the level of obama's spending. >> we're going win with contrast and ideas and by making barack obama and his failed issues in this case. >> and there is a weird but tragic story out of tennessee this afternoon. a murder motivated by defriending on facebook. >> also, jerry sandusky's day in court. >> now, all of a sudden these people turn on me. >> pleading for his friends to come back and asking a judge to help him with his family. >> michael finney still taking your questions and alewill answer them here just a few minutes. >> and taking a look at traffic on the golden gate bridge now, we've been noticing traffic heading north is a little bit slow and go.
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you can see there is a mix of clouds and sunshine there on the bridge. let's check in now with spencer. >> there is a activity scatter add cross the north bay. rainfall totals very, very light. no measurable rain in many locations. here is our forecast starting at 5:00 there may be light, scattered showers, partly sunny skies, looks like a mainly dry weekend. details in the forecast coming up as abc 7
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a tennessee father is facing first degree murder charges after killing a couple that defriended his daughter on facebook. the couple's 6-month-old baby was found, unharmed. police say the daughter is in her late 20s and lives with her parents. neighbor says she's constantly on facebook. investigators say she had online run in was others in the area, she has not been charged in this case. >> the man at the center of the penn state child sex scandal asked a judge for more freedom and to see his grandkids. jerry sandusky will be back in court in may. the judge promised to rule on his request.
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and sandusky says his home was always full of neighborhood kids and parents. >> now, all of a sudden because of allegations and perceptions of me, now, i can't take our dog on my deck and throw out biscuits to him. >> neighbors tell police they're not comfortable with sandusky standing on his deck while their children walk by. >> defense secretary leon pin yetta wants a probe into the team of marine corps snipers that posed in front of a flag emblaze oned with an ss symbol. you can see the flag is dark blue with an ss in the shape of lightning bolts a symbol made notorious by nazi ss. investigators concluded it was a nod to the unit's name,
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sniper scouts. they decided not to discipline the troops but pin yetta says he wants the marine corps to take a look and take quote, appropriate action. >> the quick-thinking driver that saved a bus load of children from this. >> we want to, the kids to have confidence and to have audacity to change the world. >> live with a community group gearing up for a bright future, the news at 4:00 continues right after this. ♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios.
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it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours?
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this valentine's day, the new color of love is... white! exclusively at verizon, get the white droid razr by motorola! thin. fast. smart. strong. more color. same droid razr. on america's fastest, most reliable 4g network. now that's value anyone can appreciate! get the droid razr by motorola in three new colors for $199.99.
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only at verizon. white is the color of amor! let's get a last check of the forecast now. >> starting with a look at live doppler 7 hd. it's just a few widely scattered and light pockets of showers scatter add cross the nornl bay. about it for now but we'll have more showers pushing through and there is nice and mild in the areas, 73 degrees in palm springs. 61 fresno. 64 in sacramento and pleasant conditions and mild conditions around the state. in the bay area, once morning showers taper off we'll see a good bit of sunshine. and there are is peninsula we go. highs ranging from upper 50s in millbrae to around or
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just above 60. mid to upper 50s on the coast. and downtown san francisco 58 degrees north bay highs on the mild side as well, low 60s and there is 62 m santa rosa. near east bay highs right around 06 up to 61 in oakland and union city and fremont. inland east way bay similar range of highs. 61, 6 degrees and once again, low 60s for all locations. >> thank you. >> and oakland chief of police says the city has seen 20 shootings in the past week and the department is now reaching out for help. >> one west oakland group is answering that call, trying to break this pattern of violence with pedal power.
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>> petal power as in bicycles. this is bikes for live. they're getting ready for the big event sell braigt two years of serving this community. bike for live is west oakland's only bike shop, where at risk young men and women learn to do hands on work. it's also the home of a nonprofit called one fam. short for family. >> we try to reach young folk, build community and teach conflict resolution skills. better ways to handle conflicts. >> tony coleman founded one fam in 2000. the bike shop around two years, all bikes are used, and after repairs they're sold. it's a way to gain employment skills and incorporating the antiviolence message. >> we were in the community and were doing a lot of events
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and biking was folks taking on as a subculture, so we moved with the community. >> over the past two years, more than 50 troubled youth have been trained. over the summer, it's one of the mayor's summer job sites. the city pays the youth directly. dominic helps fund raise for the nonprofit. the richmond native came here after dropping out of howard university. >> gave me more meaning for live. i zrnt meaning for a moment. being here made me value live. >> she plans to go back to college in the fall. >> we don't have to blame anyone for our problems, we can solve them our selfs. we want the kids to have confidence and to have audacity to change the world. >> and this organization is looking for donations. tomorrow, saturday, by the way they'll be donating 40 bikes
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to kids in this community. >> very nice, thank you. a bus driver in north carolina says she's in the a hero, just doing her job. wednesday, five minutes before this video was recorded she stopped the bus and ushered six young kids out of the back door. she knew something was wrong. >> i smelled something. i just knew it didn't smell right. i stopped the bus. then, i saw smoke and i knew it was time for me to get myself and the kids off the bus. >> shortly after she emptied the bus flames broke out. richardson says she was calm during the crisis and that helped kids remain calm. she led them to safety. >> wow. just remarkable. >> and coming up next at 4:00 pay taxes, take over the house. a man is taking advantage of a loophole doing just that. he says it has nothing to do with greed. >> there is a hidden charge you need to know about before
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your intending to switch insurance companies. i'll answer questions coming up. >> and later at 5:00 new bot lottry game could help california schools hit the jackpot. osososed
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oh, boy. >> you don't need any words. >> just horrible this, is the sap fran skyway on a friday. there is no get way friday here. jammed up as you try to head over the bay bridge or down to the peninsula. michael fibby is here now to answer questions you sent to him. >> right. and a fewer has a -- viewer has a question. >> san francisco has rules about this. divona from san francisco e mailed and said my car was stolen and abandoned and
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parked illegally. i attempted to schedule a tow hearing and disappointed to find fees are not waived for stolen vehicles. is there anything i can do to get reimbursed? you're half right and there are things you can do. let me tell if you your car is parked illegal in san francisco, you are charged for towing whether you parked the car or some thief parked the car. you're entitled to a hearing and there, a judge decides whether or not have you to pay the fees. if your car was reported stolen and then found here is how the city is set up to charge you. you get 20 minutes to get to the car. if you get to it within 20 minutes then... you can drive it away and you pay no charges. however, if you don't -- if you get there in 21 minutes they're going to tow it, it will be gone. if they catch the thief there are no fees whatsoever f the
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car is stolen in another city you're going to pay all of the costs involved there is no way wrur going to get here in 20 minutes. not certain they try to give you a call. and question number two, this comes from barbara who asks did companies charge a fee for canceling your insurance to go with another company? yes and no. here is the deal. up until january 1, of this year, they could not charge you anything but the pro-rated amount. so if you bought six months worth they can take half of the money and the rest of it they cannot take. there is a new law that just went into affect january 1 and it says they're allowed to charge you a fee if it's listed in the policy. and we're gosh go going to
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watch insurance companies close on this, they better not be trying to make a ton of money. if they try we're going to go back and see if we can get a change. final question here, christina r wants to know i was wondering if you can do a credit report once instead of multiple times when applying to rent apartments. answer is a better world but not the one we live in. >> the fed chairman says the weak housing market is killing the american economy because of the affect on consumer spending. he says it's forcing people to watch every penny they spend he says housing crisis is not over yet. >> increasing share of losses were fully documented with
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down paims but then it defaulted due to the weak economy and housing markets. >> he fears this trend could weigh down the economy for years. there is no magic position, he suggests one solution may include renting out foreclosed home autos a texas honler is taking unusual steps, filing for what is called add ver possession on a vacant, run down house next door. the house has been empty two years. and cited for rotting wood and a dirty pool. he has locked up the house, paying taxes on it and did minor maintenance. he hopes he doesn't have to for very long. >> my number one goal is bring out the owner and have him say, we're going to take responsibility and fix this. >> the house is owned by a local bank. officials in dallas have not said what they plan to do next. thanks for joining us for abc 7 news at 4:00 you can keep
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track on abc 7 news. news at 5:00 continues right now. >> lesson learned. internal review of a house fire killing two of san francisco's finest. what the department wants to do differently. >> a surf rescue as a car bobs in waves at ocean beach. >> and new lottery game could help california schools hit the jackpot. >> it's breaking news happening right now where sky 7 over the scene of a police standoff with several robbery suspects who remain care baid -- barricaded inside of a home. >> that is just north of castlewood park. and there is not clear whether police chased suspects or working off of a tip. >> officers not saying whether
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suspects are armed. we did talk with an employer aing parents have been called and they were not evacuated. and we'll update you throughout this newscast. >> good evening, tonight we have final report on the last house fire to san francisco firefighters ever fought. >> they i died in a phenomenon called a flashover. they were killed in a house fire in june. we are live with the official findings. >> firefighters were killed because of a broken window. that no one could have dedikted. the report also concludes the two did as they should, that morning last june


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